Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mission Accomplished

I am tired.  I have been running around since yesterday working on stocking up, getting supplies, and finding my son the clothing he needs for his speech later this month.  He and I went to the city yesterday and headed to the mall (ick) first to try (hope, pray) that I could find him a suit coat at a reasonable price.  He really doesn't have any need for such things here where we live.  Going to church requires neat and clean.  Dressing up for him usually consists of a pair of khakis and a polo.  But he has to have a sport coat to go with his khakis for participating in the speech convention.
And I would just like to say, the prices they charge for those things are absolutely obscene.  Obscene.  I knew it was a long shot, but I wanted to spend no more than $50 or $60.  And that's it.   So, we get to our first store.  I started at what I thought would be the most reasonably priced store in the mall.  Hah.  We found the suit/sport coats and they wanted $175!  Do you know what I could do with $175?  Certainly not buying one piece of clothing that will probably only be worn once by a boy who is growing fast and won't fit in it next year at convention time.  At this point, I wasn't sure what I was going to do.   I was wondering if perhaps we could just borrow one from someone we know.  But I told my son that we should keep looking and go to another store.  We went into store #2 and........BINGO!!  $150 sport coats on sale for $60!  Perfect.  Total score.

I then went to the bulk food store and did some stocking up.  I went back out today and did some more.  I added everything from shoelaces to canned goods to supplies for building chicken coops to my preps. Got 16 more heirloom tomato seedlings to add to the garden. And now I rest.  Tis time to stay home.  Much better.

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