Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day's End

It is day's end and I am ready to be abed.  At this time of year I feel like I'm a runner just taking the first paces of a race that is long but knowing that the reward at the end is so great.  So much to do - and yet a few months down the road the workload of this month will seem like child's play. 

I have a spot where I let all of the rabbit hay collect all winter long and now it is full of dark rich compost ready for the garden.  We started layering it in today.  I'm going tomorrow to fill the back end of my pickup truck with dirt that will be mixed in with aged chicken poop and rabbit hay and it will simply be lovely.  I also have the first sunburn of the season.  Today I have put raised beds together, garnered a new egg customer, taken care of chickens, chicks, rabbits, and teenagers. We finished the day off with homemade potato salad and bbq chicken.  Spring is here - tis a very good thing.


  1. That spring is here is a very good thing indeed! Thanks for the encouragement on the meat birds! We'll see how it goes!

  2. Hi, thank you for stopping by my blog! Hubby is, as we speak, spreading the plot with last year's manure, so it seems from Scotland to the States, the same whiff blows in the air!
    Definitely NO sunburn here though. On this Scottish island, we're lucky (unlucky?!) if we get that ANY day of the year!


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