Friday, March 9, 2012

Interesting trip to the store....

I went to town today for a stock up trip.  I was almost solely concentrating on stock up items of staples.  I shop at Aldi's which makes it easy because I can simply grab flats of items.  I've been bulk size shopping for years, so I'm fairly impervious to any strange looks I might get by other shoppers when they see my buggy.  But today something happened that made me chuckle a bit.  I was checking out and the lady behind me had a gallon of milk and about three more items.  I'm huffing and puffing away as I load the belt with flats, full boxes, and one bulk package of 40 pounds of flour - 8 five pound bags that had not yet been cut open to be "sold separately."  Since they were still packaged I could just pick them all up together.  Saves effort for me.

Anyway, after a bit the lady behind me said, "You're shopping like I do most of the time."  My ears perked up and I wondered if she was a bulk shopper too.  I answered, "Really?  That's nice because you never know when someone is going to look at you like you're crazy for doing this."  She then said, "Yeah, I completely understand.  I shop for hundreds of people."

I looked at her.  She looked at me...seemingly expecting me to confirm that I too was shopping for that many.

(Insert sound of crickets chirping here...)

I smiled at her and turned around to finish loading the belt with my flats full of items.

At this point, she looked like she did think I was crazy, lol.

Oh well, that's fine with me.  Some women like shoes.  I happen to like dry goods.


Good day everyone and God bless.

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